发布时间: 2019-12-20   浏览次数: 8084


»职称: 教授/博士生导师

李忠涛 -石油大学


»最高学位: 博士


»所学专业: 材料化学





2020/01至今      中国石油大学(华东),化学工程学院,教授;

2012/04-2019/12      中国石油大学(华东),化学工程学院,副教授;

2011/05-2011/12    通用电气(中国)全球研发中心,塑料部,副研究员;

2009/08–2011/05      加州大学圣巴巴拉分校,海洋生物材料系,博士后;

2004/09–2009/06      中国科学院化学研究所,   有机固体实验室,博士;

2000/09–2004/06      天津大学,高分子材料科学与工程系,学士;





1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,金属/空气二次电池双功能电极用杂环类石墨材料的研究(51873231

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,结构可控氮掺杂共轭骨架材料的合成及其与金属氧化物复合用于制备锂电池电极(21572269

3. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,红外探测中应用的新型电致变色共轭聚合物研究(51303212

4. 山东省自然科学基金“杰出青年”基金,高能量密度固态储能器件

5. 山东省重点研发计划,用于储能的多元掺杂纳米复合材料的可控制备(2017GGX40118

6. 山东省自然科学基金青年基金,含氮有机多孔材料负载金属氧化物及其在电化学中的应用(15-9-1-108-jch


1. 2020年获批山东省“杰出青年”基金

2. 2019年获“泰山学者”青年专家称号

3. 2018年获“全国石油与化学工业优秀科研工作者”称号

4. 2018年获中国石油大学(华东)“十佳百佳”班主任称号

5. 2014年获青岛西海岸新区紧缺人才称号


1. 2020年获中国化工学会技术发明奖二等奖(1/7

2. 2018获中国石油与化学工业技术发明奖二等奖(1/8


1. V “bridged” Co-O to Eliminate Charge Transfer Barriers and Drive   Lattice Oxygen Oxidation during Water-Splitting; Advanced Functional   Materials, 2020, 2008822.

2. Controllable Substitution of S Radicals on Triazine Covalent   Framework to Expedite Degradation of Polysulfides, Small, 2020, 2004631.

3. Uncovering the Chemistry of Cross-Linked Polymer Binders via   Chemical Bonds for Silicon-Based Electrodes, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces,2020, 12, 47164−47180

4. Controllably Enriched Oxygen Vacancies through Polymer Assistance in   Titanium Pyrophosphate as a Super Anode for Na/K-Ion Batteries; ACS nano,2019,13,92279236

5. Chemical state of surrounding iron species affects the activity of   Fe-Nx for electrocatalytic oxygen reduction; Applied Catalysis B:   Environmental,2019, 251,240–246

6. Structural Modulation of Co Catalyzed Carbon Nanotubes with CuCo   Bimetal Active Center to Inspire Oxygen Reduction Reaction; ACS Applied Materials   & Interfaces,2019,11,3937-3945

7. Extended Lattice Space of TiO2 Hollow Nanocubes for Improved Sodium   Storage; Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019,373,565-571

8. Hollow petal-like Co3O4 nanoflakes as bifunctional electrocatalysts   through template-free protocol and structural controlled kinetics in gas   evolution, Electrochimica Acta,2019,318,949-956

9. Amorphous Iron(III)-Borate Nanolattices as Multifunctional   Electrodes for Self-Driven Overall Water Splitting and Rechargeable Zinc-Air   Battery, Small, 2018, 1802829

10. An Amorphous Tin-based Nanohybrid for Ultrastable Sodium Storage; Journal   of Materials Chemistry A,2018, 6, 18920-18927

11. Bimetal Prussian Blue as a Continuously Variable Platform for   Investigating the Composition−Activity Relationship of Phosphides-Based   Electrocatalysts for Water Oxidation; ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2018, 10, 35904-35910

12. Multiaspect insight into synergetic modification of carbon nitride   with halide salt and water vapor, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental,2018, 229,204-210

13. Lamellar Metal Organic Framework-Derived Fe-N-C Non-Noble   Electrocatalysts with Bimodal Porosity for Efficient Oxygen Reduction, ACS   Applied Materials & Interfaces,2017, 9, 5272-5278

14. Combination of Nitrogen-Doped Graphene with MoS2 Nanoclusters for   Improved Li-S Battery Cathode: Synthetic Effect between 2D Components, Electrochimica   Acta,2017, 252, 200-207

15. Synergistic Effects between Doped Nitrogen and Phosphorous in   Metal-Free Cathode for Zinc-Air Battery from Covalent Organic Frameworks   Coated CNT, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2017, 9, 51, 44519-44528


1. 一种高循环稳定性、大容量的复合材料锂离子电池及其制备方法,发明专利201310547286.0

2. 一种用于锂电池的复合材料及由其制备的纽扣电池,发明专利201510071916.0

3. 一种用于锂离子电池负极的大π体系聚酰亚胺交联聚合物,发明专利201510195752.2

4. 一种用于锂离子电池电极的多层复合二氧化钛纳米管材料,发明专利201510332177.6

5. 一种用于锂电池负极的高氮含量锡碳复合材料及制备方法,发明专利201510600582.1

6. 一种用于燃料电池阴极氧还原的铁-氮共掺杂复合材料,发明专利210610118173.2

7. 一种用于锂电池电极的四氧化三锰以及水锰矿复合材料,发明专利201610124318.X

版权所有:中国石油大学(华东)化学工程学院 新型碳材料研究室
实验室地址:山东省青岛经济技术开发区长江西路66号 邮编:266580