发布时间: 2017-04-03   浏览次数: 10812




»最高学历/学位 :博士


»所学专业 :化学工艺














担任Advanced Energy MaterialsACS NanoNano Letters等期刊审稿人,澳大利亚研究理事会基金评审专家。 


2016/11 澳大利亚研究理事会早期职业研究者探索奖(DECRA





1.H. Hu, B. Y. Guan, X. W. Lou, Construction of Complex CoS Hollow Structures with Enhanced Electrochemical Properties for Hybrid Supercapacitors, Chem, 2016,1,102. (A new journal by Cell Press).

2.H. Hu, J. T. Zhang, B. Y. Guan, X. W. Lou, Unusual Formation of CoSe@carbon Nanoboxes with Inhomogeneous Shell for Efficient Lithium Storage, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2016, 55, 9514.

3.H. Hu, L. Han, M. Yu, Z. Wang, X. W. Lou, Metal-organic-framework-engaged formation of Co nanoparticle-embedded carbon@Co9S8 double-shelled nanocages for efficient oxygen reduction, Energy Environ. Sci., 2016, 9, 107.(ESI Hot Paper & Highly Cited Paper)

4.H. Hu, B. Y. Guan, B. Y. Xia, X. W. Lou, Designed Formation of Co3O4/NiCo2O4 Double-Shelled Nanocages with Enhanced Pseudocapacitive and Electrocatalytic Properties, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2015, 137, 5590.(ESI Hot Paper & Highly cited paper)

5.H. Hu, L. Yu, X. H. Gao, Z. Lin,X. W. Lou, Hierarchical tubular structures constructed from ultrathin TiO2(B) nanosheets for highly reversible lithium storage, Energy Environ. Sci., 2015, 8, 1480. (ESI Highly cited paper)

6.H. Hu, Z. Zhao, W. Wan, Y. Gogotsi, J. Qiu, Ultralight and Highly Compressible Graphene Aerogels, Adv. Mater., 2013, 25, 2219. (ESI Highly cited paper, highlighted in Nature: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v494/n7438/full/494404a.html)

7.H. Hu, Z. Zhao, Y. Gogotsi, J. Qiu, Compressible Carbon Nanotube/Graphene Hybrid Aerogels with Superhydrophobicity and Supeoleophilicity for Recyclable Oil Sorption, Environ. Sci. Technol. Lett., 2014, 1, 214. (ESI Highly cited paper)

8.H. Hu, Z. Zhao, R. Zhang, Y. Bin, J. Qiu, Polymer Casting of Ultralight Graphene Aerogels for the Production of Conductive Nanocomposites with Low Filling Content, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2014, 2, 3756.

9.H. Hu, Z. Zhao, W. Wan, Y. Gogotsi, J. Qiu, Polymer/Graphene Hybrid Aerogel with High Compressibility, Conductivity and “Sticky” Superhydrophobicity. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2014, 6, 3242.

10.H. Hu, Z. Zhao, Q. Zhou, Y. Gogotsi, J. Qiu, The Role of Microwave Absorption on Formation of Graphene from Graphite Oxide, Carbon, 2012, 50, 3267.

11.L. Yu, H. Hu, H. B. Wu, X. W. Lou, Complex Hollow Nanostructures: Synthesis and Energy-Related Applications, Adv. Mater., 2017, 29, 160453.

12.J. T. Zhang, H. Hu,Z. Li, X. W. Lou, Double-Shelled Nanocages with Cobalt Hydroxide Inner Shell and Layered Double Hydroxides Outer Shell as High-Efficiency Polysulfide Mediator for Lithium–Sulfur Batteries, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2016, 55, 3982. (ESI Highly cited paper)

13.X. Y. Yu, H. Hu, Y. W. Wang, H. Y. Chen, X. W. Lou, Ultrathin MoS2 Nanosheets Supported on N-doped Carbon Nanoboxes with Enhanced Lithium Storage and Electrocatalytic Properties, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2015, 54, 7395. (ESI Highly cited paper)

14.J. Liang, H. Hu, H. Park, S. J. Ding, U. Paik, X. W. Lou, Construction of hybrid bowl-like structures by anchoring NiO nanosheets on flat carbon hollow particles with enhanced lithium storage properties, Energy Environ. Sci., 2015, 8, 1707.

15.F. X. Ma, H. Hu, H. B. Wu, C. Y. Xu, Z. C. Xu, L. Zhen, X. W. Lou, Formation of Uniform Fe3O4 Hollow Spheres Organized by Ultrathin Nanosheets and Their Excellent Lithium Storage Properties, Adv. Mater., 2015, 27, 4097. (ESI Highly cited paper)

16.W. Wan, L. Li, Z. Zhao, H. Hu, X. Hao, D. Winkler, L. Xi, T. Hughes, J. Qiu, Ultrafast Fabrication of Covalently Cross-Linked Multifunctional Graphene Oxide Monoliths, Adv. Funct. Mater., 2014, 24, 4915.

17.C. Yu, H. Fang, Z. Liu, H. Hu, X. Meng, J. Qiu, Chemically grafting graphene oxide to B, N co-doped graphene via ionic liquid and their superior performance for triiodide reduction, Nano Energy, 2016, 25, 184.

18.N. Liu, X. Wang, W. Xu, H. Hu, J. Liang, J. Qiu, Microwave-Assisted Synthesis of MoS2/Graphene Nanocomposites for Efficient Hydrodesulfurization, Fuel, 2014, 119, 163.

19.Y. Tang, Z. Zhao, H. Hu, Y. Liu, X. Wang, S. Zhou, J. Qiu, Highly Stretchable and Ultrasensitive Strain Sensor Based on Reduced Graphene Oxide Microtubes–Elastomer Composite, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2015, 7, 27432.

20.Q. Dong, G. Wang, H. Hu, J. Yang, B. Qian, Z. Ling, J. Qiu, Ultrasound-Assisted Preparation of Electrospun Carbon Nanofiber/Graphene Composite Electrode for Supercapacitors, J. Power Source, 2013, 243, 350.

21.J. Qu, F. Gao, Q. Zhou, Z. Wang, H. Hu, B. Li, W. Wan, X. Wang, J. Qiu, Highly Atom-Economic Synthesis of Graphene/Mn3O4 Hybrid Composites for Electrochemical Supercapacitors, Nanoscale, 2013, 7, 2999.

22.W. Wan, Z. Zhao, H. Hu, Y. Gogotsi, J. Qiu, Highly Controllable and Green Reduction of Graphene Oxide to Flexible Graphene Film with High Strength,Mater. Res. Bull., 2013, 48, 4797.

23.Q. Zhou, Z. Zhao, Y. Chen, H. Hu, J. Qiu, Low Temperature Plasma-Mediated Synthesis of Graphene Nanosheets for Supercapacitor Electrodes. J. Mater. Chem., 2012, 22, 6061.


版权所有:中国石油大学(华东)化学工程学院 新型碳材料研究室
实验室地址:山东省青岛经济技术开发区长江西路66号 邮编:266580